360 Lace Frontal

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360 Lace Frontal

A 360 lace frontal is a type of wig that comes with a full lace that covers the entire perimeter of your head, and can even cover up the hairline. It can also give you a lot of styling options.

360 lace frontal is a great option for anyone who wants the best of both worlds when it comes to a wig! It allows you to wear updos while not exposing any part of your real hair. Plus, it can be dyed or permed just like your own!

It Can Last Longer than a Regular Lace Wig

The 360 frontal is made with high quality human hair. It is more durable than a standard lace wig, and it can last up to 6 months with proper care. It is easier to style than a lace wig, so it is a great choice for those who want to look their best without spending a ton of money!

It Is More Easy To Install Than A Traditional Lace Wig

The easiest way to install a 360 lace frontal is to sew it on. You can do this by using a c- curve needle and thread or you can use adhesive to glue the wefts onto the lace. After you’ve installed the wefts, trim away any excess lace and your 360 lace frontal is ready to wear!

It Can Be Parted Anywhere You Want

Because it has a lace cap that covers the entire head, a 360 lace frontal is more versatile than a regular lace wig. It can be parted anywhere you want, so it’s perfect for anyone who wants to part their hair in a variety of ways.

It’s More Ease to Care for than a Regular Lace Wig

A 360 lace frontal is more comfortable and breathable than a regular lace wig, so it’s a great option for anyone who wants to feel comfortable while wearing a wig. It’s also more affordable than a regular lace wig, and it can be styled straightened or curled just like your own!

It Can Be Sewn In Earlier than a Regular Lace Wig

Because 360 frontal wigs are already sewn in, it is a lot faster to install than a normal lace wig. It takes less time to sew the wig in than a regular lace wig, which makes it a great option for people who are short on time but still want to look their best.

It Can Be Wore With Any Hairstyle

Because a 360 lace frontal is made with high quality human hair, it’s more versatile than a regular lace wavy or curly wig. It can be worn with any type of hairstyle, including a ponytail or braids!

It Can Be Sewn in Earlier than a Regular Lace Wig

Because 360 frontal wigs are already pre-plucked, they are easier to sew in than a regular lace wig. You can do a basic straight back braid pattern to sew in the lace, and you can add textured hair wefts to close off the opening. This will only take 2-3 bundles for a full sew in weave.
