360 Lace Frontal Wig

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360 Lace Frontal Wig

Getting a 360 lace frontal wig is a great way to experiment with different styles without permanently altering your hair. You can try different hairstyles and color combinations. With this type of wig, you can also experiment with different textures and looks. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing one.

One of the most important features of 360 lace frontal wigs is that you can use your natural hair to create a hairline. You can even wear it in the back, which will give your wig a natural look. Another advantage of 360 lace frontal wigs is that they are cheaper. You will need 3-4 bundles of human hair weave, while the 360 lace frontal wig will need only two or three.

Another great thing about 360 lace wigs is that they are comfortable to wear. They have a circular piece of lace around the front and back that looks like the natural hair of your scalp. You can also use this wig to put your hair up in a high ponytail. The middle portion of a 360 lace frontal wig is machine sewn onto a breakable material, which makes it secure and durable.

Another advantage of 360 lace frontal wigs is that they are easier to install. Instead of installing a wig cap on the front, a 360 lace frontal wig uses a full lace front closure that wraps around your head. This makes it much easier to create a natural hairline.

A 360 lace wig also allows you to easily put it in a high ponytail. The lace on the back of a 360 lace wig resembles scalp and is machine sewn to the cap. 360 lace wigs are less expensive than full lace wigs and allow you to do different hairstyles. It also saves you time from sewing the bundles.
