Customized 360 Lace Frontal Closure

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Customized 360 Lace Frontal Closure

A 360 lace frontal closure is a wig made of Swiss lace and hand-tied human hair. It has an extra piece of lace that comes out from the head in a 360-degree loop. This lace makes it easy to sew the hair weft. The hair that comes out of the 360-degree loop resembles the scalp, leaving an illusion of hair growing from the scalp.

The 360 lace frontal provides full coverage and is flexible enough to be worn in many ways, including a ponytail. It also provides excellent breathability and a natural appearance. It is made from a blend of lace and baby hairs, allowing more air to reach the scalp and keep the hair from sticking out.

360 lace frontal closures are very easy to install and take less than an hour to install. They also require less weaving time, as fewer wefts and bundles need to be placed into the wig. As more people choose 360 lace frontal wigs, the popularity of this type of wig continues to grow.

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