How to Customize a 360 Lace Frontal Wig

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How to Customize a 360 Lace Frontal Wig

You can customize a 360 lace frontal wig to meet your own specifications.customized 360 lace frontal wig The lace frontal wig allows you to add your own style and hair color. In most cases, you only need two or three bundles of hair. Another way to customize your lace frontal wig is to use wefts that match your own hair texture.

A 360 lace frontal wig has a circular lace around the head. A human hair strand is then hand-knotted into the lace hole. The rest of the wig cap is made of high-stretch machine-made lace. This makes it look like your wig is growing from your head.

360 lace frontal wigs are more versatile than full-lace wigs. They require less time to install and allow you to have more hairstyles than full-lace wigs. They are also comfortable to wear, especially if you have no previous experience with wigs.

Tags:13*4 lace front wig deep wave wig remy deep curly
